Water in New Orleans

A Look at the French Quarter’s Water System

The French Quarter in New Orleans is known for its unique architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture. However, one thing that many people may not consider is the importance of the neighborhood’s water system. The French Quarter has been around for centuries and has seen several evolutions of its water infrastructure.

The Early Years

In the early years of the French Quarter, wooden pipes were used to transport water. These pipes were easily accessible, making routine maintenance quick and simple. However, they were prone to damage and wear, requiring regular replacement. Later, cast iron pipes were used, which provided better durability and longevity.

Modern Era

In the modern era, PVC and copper pipes have replaced cast iron for new installations, but many older buildings in the French Quarter continue to use the older pipes. The city’s Sewerage and Water Board is responsible for managing the French Quarter’s water supply and ensuring that it is safe for the public to drink and use.

Water Quality and Treatment

The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans treats and filters the city’s water supply, which comes from the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain. The water treatment process involves removing any contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. Once the water is purified, it is then distributed through the network of water pipes throughout the city.

Maintenance of Water Infrastructure

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure that the French Quarter’s water system runs smoothly. The Sewerage and Water Board performs regular inspections and upgrades to ensure that the water pipes remain in good working order. In the event of a water main break or other emergency, the Sewerage and Water Board has a 24-hour emergency response team to quickly and efficiently address any issues.


In conclusion, the French Quarter’s water system is just as important as any other part of the neighborhood’s infrastructure. While the neighborhood has come a long way in its water system since the days of wooden pipes, it still faces unique challenges in maintaining its aging infrastructure. However, with routine maintenance and responsible management, the French Quarter’s water system is expected to continue meeting the needs of residents and visitors for years to come.