LaLaurie Mansion

The Dark History of the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans

The LaLaurie Mansion is one of the most well-known historical landmarks in New Orleans. The mansion, located in the French Quarter, has a dark and disturbing history that has fascinated visitors for generations. In this blog post, we will explore the dark history of the LaLaurie Mansion and the story of the infamous Madame LaLaurie.

Madame LaLaurie

Madame Delphine LaLaurie was a wealthy New Orleans socialite who was known for her beauty, charm, and parties. However, behind closed doors, she was rumored to be cruel to her slaves. In 1833, a fire broke out in the mansion. It was then that people discovered the horrendous truth about what Madame LaLaurie had been hiding.

The Horrific Discoveries

Upon entering the mansion to fight the fire, authorities discovered a torture chamber in the attic. They found slaves chained to the walls, many of them mutilated and tortured. They also found a cache of human body parts strewn about the room. Some of the slaves had been imprisoned there for years.

The shocking discovery sent shockwaves through the city of New Orleans and further fueled the flames of abolitionism that were already burning in the United States.

The Aftermath

Madame LaLaurie fled the city with her husband shortly after the discovery, and their whereabouts remained unknown for many years. The mansion, which is now known as the LaLaurie Mansion, underwent several changes in ownership over the years. It has been used as an apartment building, a school, an office building, and even a music conservatory.

The Legacy

Today, the LaLaurie Mansion is one of the most popular tourist attractions in New Orleans, drawing visitors from all over the world who are interested in its dark and disturbing history. Guided tours of the mansion allow visitors to explore the historic and ghostly legacy of Madame LaLaurie.


The LaLaurie Mansion is a fascinating and haunting historical landmark in New Orleans, reminding us of the atrocities committed during a darker period in American history. It stands as a symbol of the inhumanity and brutality of slavery and serves as a reminder that we must never forget the lessons of our past so that we may never repeat them. A visit to the LaLaurie Mansion is not for the faint of heart, but it is a must-see for those interested in the darker side of American history.