
New Orleans Gelato: A Delicious Italian Treat with a NOLA Twist

New Orleans is known for its fusion of cultures, and nowhere is that more evident than in its cuisine. With the city’s strong Italian heritage, it’s no surprise that New Orleans has embraced one of Italy’s most beloved desserts – gelato. But just like with any NOLA classic, the city has added its own unique flavor to the dessert. Let’s take a closer look at New Orleans Gelato and what sets it apart.

What is New Orleans Gelato?

Gelato is a rich and creamy Italian-style ice cream that typically has less air and more flavor than traditional ice cream. In New Orleans, local artisans use fresh, locally sourced ingredients to create unique gelato flavors that reflect the city’s unique culture and character.

The History of New Orleans Gelato

New Orleans’ beloved gelato has its origins traced back to the city’s Italian community that dates back to the mid 19th century. Many Italian immigrants used their culinary skills to introduce their traditional gelato to the New Orleans community. Today, a variety of gelato shops and artisanal gelato makers have emerged throughout the city, offering a wide range of flavors that reflect the spirit of New Orleans.

NOLA Twist on Gelato Flavors

While classic Italian flavors like pistachio and stracciatella can certainly be found, New Orleans makes its own imprint on gelato flavors. Popular flavors unique to the city include Bourbon Pecan, Bananas Foster, and Praline. No matter the flavor, all New Orleans gelato has one thing in common – the use of local ingredients and NOLA-inspired twist.

Best Places to Find New Orleans Gelato

There are several places throughout New Orleans to indulge in the city’s unique and delicious gelato. Some fan favorites include La Divina Gelateria, Angelo Brocato, and Piccola Gelateria.


New Orleans Gelato is a delicious reflection of the city’s Italian heritage and love of flavor. With unique takes on traditional gelato flavors, the local artisans of this famous dessert have created a NOLA twist on a beloved Italian treat. So, whether you’re looking for something sweet to cool you down on a hot day or simply want a taste of NOLA, be sure to try New Orleans Gelato on your next visit to the city.